1. Add all ingredients (except olive oil) to a spiral mixing bowl.
2. Mix for 6-8 minutes on slow speed and 4-6 minutes on fast speed.
3. Add the olive oil and mix for 1 minute slow speed.
4. Dough temperature should be 24-26°C.
5. Bulk for 30 minutes at a controlled temperature of 25-28°C, covered with plastic..
6. Scale at 200g and mould into round shape.
7. Prove for 15-18 hours at a controlled temperature of 5-8°C, covered with plastic.
8. Leave to rest for 1-2 hours at a controlled temperature of 25-28°C, covered with plastic.
9. Gently pin out and hand stretch to desired shape (1.5mm thick).
10. Place onto a peel and top the pizza with desired toppings.
11. Bake at 325°C for 3-4 minutes.
Yield: 95 pizzas
Granville Way, Bicester, Oxon, OX26 4JT, United Kingdom