Human Rights Policy Statement
We believe that business can only flourish in societies where human rights are protected and respected.
This is an area of growing importance to our employees, suppliers, customers and the local community. There is therefore both a business and a moral case for ensuring that human rights are upheld across our operation.
Our Policy
In line with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, we base our human rights policy commitment on the conventions of the International Labour Organisation. We are committed to respecting all internationally recognised human rights as relevant to our operations. Our Ethical Policy is based on the ETI base code and is published on our website.
Our principle is that where national law and international human rights standards differ, we will follow the higher standard; where they are in conflict, we will adhere to national law, while seeking ways to respect international human rights to the greatest extent possible.
Our Vision
Our Core Values consist of the following 6 principles:
- Safety first and last
- Working together
- Cherish our culture
- Care for our environment
- Honesty and respect
- Be proud; aim for and celebrate success

In our business dealings we expect our shareholders to follow the same core values consistent as our own. We prohibit discrimination, forced, trafficked and child labour and are committed to safe and hygienic working conditions, and the dignity of the individual. Also, the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining and effective information and consultation procedures. We will ensure that living wages are paid to all our staff and that working hours are not excessive
Responsible Sourcing
We have a large and diverse extended supply chain, and we recognise the critical role our suppliers play in helping us to source responsibly and sustainably. Our Conditions of Supply document sets out our expectations with regards to the respect for the human rights, including labour rights, of the workers in our extended supply chain.
We will only work with suppliers who comply with the ETI base code. Â Through our risk assessment tool we will review country risks to identify any concerns
Addressing Human Rights Impacts
We recognise that we must take steps to identify and address any actual or potential adverse impacts with which we may be involved, whether directly or indirectly, through our own activities, or our business relationships. We have a documented grievance policy in place which can be used by staff to raise any concerns that they may have.
We understand that human rights due diligence is an ongoing process that requires particular attention at certain stages in our business activities, such as when we form new partnerships, or our operating conditions change, as these changes may create new potential or actual impacts on human rights.
We recognise the importance of communicating with our employees and external stakeholders who are or could potentially be affected by our actions. We pay particular attention to vulnerable individuals or groups who may be at greater risk of negative human rights impacts
We will only work with labour providers who hold a valid and current Gangmasters Licence.
We are committed to ensuring effective remedy wherever human rights impacts occur. We encourage open and honest communication within the company and with our suppliers and stakeholders, without retribution, about any concerns they may have, including through our grievance or Whistle Blowing channels. We will review and evaluate any issue raised, ensuring that the appropriate action is taken.
Our Governance
Our work in this area is overseen by British Bakels Senior Leadership team. This ensures that every part of our business is clear about the responsibility to respect human rights.
Going Forward
We continually evaluate and review how best to strengthen our approach to addressing human rights, including labour rights.
M239 – Ethical Trading Policy Statement
M667 – Whistle Blowing Policy
British Bakels Modern Slavery Statement
M697 – Conditions of Supply
M574 – Ethical Questionnaire
HRM003 – Working hours policy
HRM002 – Wages and Benefits policy
HRM408 – Equal Opportunities policy
HRM407 – Dignity at Work policy
HRM267 – Grievance policy
ETI Human Rights Due Diligence Framework
UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights